Archive for August, 2009

August holidays

Although we are now well and truly in the holiday season and wondering were all the good weather has gone it is just becoming busy for us as we take delivery of our autumn bulbs. The daffodils that are grown in Jersey have now arrived and many of the bulbs from Holland are starting to appear as well. I am not sure if you know but the UK grows the majority of the taller daffodils on offer by retailers, but Holland produces/markets the majority of all other bulbs that you see and buy.

Lilium Nepalense (1)

Once we have the majority of our range in house we will start dispatching orders which as last year will be early September although we have already sent out a number of bulbs to be used as wedding favours in August.

Lilium Landini (2)

Some varieties of lilies have been flowering for a few weeks already such as Stargazer and Landini, but many are now coming into their own such as this oriental lily Bon Bini.

Lily Bonbini

Of course now is the time that the summer flowering bulbs take over the garden and such things as zantedeschia, crocosmia and gladioli are either starting in to flower or have good buds ready to burst into bloom. The dahlias (those that survive the slug attacks) are some of our most favourite and you can easily see why when they come into flower.

Dahlia Carolina Moon Dahlia Pooh

Dahlias offer a huge range of colours, heights and flowering times along with a long season of flowering (pick off the dead flower heads to encourage continual flowering).

Begonia hanging baskets

The hanging basket begonias are also adding great colour to the garden and in a few pots we have the double begonias which are abundant with flowers. August is a time to enjoy the flowers from the bulbs planted in the spring and the time to also plan for the spring flowering bulbs and the show you want in 2010.

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